Bad ass Swan

Now, driving down the highways, I notice the multitude of tractor-trailers that are on the road. Coming from many years in the trucking business, cant help but notice the variety of the different makes and models of trucks. 

As I watch them, and with my passion for designing clothing for hood ornaments, my vision automatically goes to the hood of the truck to see what hood ornament is there. 

On this particular day, taking a break from the everyday routine, I stopped at a lake just to relax. I could not help but notice the birds in and around the lake, but particularly the swans. As I watched them I was in awe of their grace and beauty, struck by the ease of their movements surpassed by no other creature. 

After a short period of time one turned in my direction and got a glimpse of the popcorn I had been munching on. As he came toward me, wanting his share of my snack, the wings of that beautiful bird stated to elevate and almost immediately he was about to take flight. The swan was coming at me with mach speed. As I saw his intense face, he could only see my scared backside running for my truck. In the safety of my truck, all I could think was WOW, that was one Bad Ass Swan! 

On my way out of the park, a truck passed that had a swan hood ornament on it, and immediately I knew it was time to expand my hood ornament apparel to include the swan. 

Thus, the BAD ASS SWAN was born!


Meet “mask-mack”